After spending nearly two years attempting to get MakersPlace to do a feature on my work, they sent me a message announcing they were shutting down. That’s just wonderful. Two years of wasted time and effort. There are other marketplaces, but how do I know that one day they won’t close their doors as well? […]
Potential Guinness World Record

Trithemian Web 11 will be used to raise funds for the Zoe Foundation. Fifty percent of the net profits will be donated to this 501 (c3) non-profit organization working to save the tiger before extinction. This cryptogram will be sold at auction. It has the potential to set a Guinness World Record. Stay tuned for […]
Go Big

Size: A Consideration When I began my fascination with linear graphics I kept my designs small so one could hold them in their hands to read the elongated lettering. My resin sculptures were also small so people could hold them or easily move around them. Years ago, before the advent of NFT’s, a friend suggested […]

MakersPlace MakersPlace has recently invited me to be a creator on their juried NFT marketplace. This is a new marketing opportunity, but the learning curve looks to be a little steep. I’ve been reviewing their website thoroughly, but I know I’m going to have quite a few questions for their support team. I’ll post an […]
Second Thoughts
Second Thoughts The fall of crypto currencies along with the turmoil in the marketplace, I have listed my pieces as ‘Possible’ NFT’s. Many of the marketplaces are loaded with junk ‘art’ by would be artists trying to make a fast buck. Attempting to launch a new concept in that arena seems practically impossible. I applied […]
Generative Art Floods the NFT Arena

Generative Art Floods the NFT Arena This image was produced using the Midjourney bot. I must admit, the generative art AI programs are incredible. They enable anyone to create, in many cases, astounding pieces with no training. If a person can read instructions they can create generative art and publish it on one or more […]
Some Thoughts on NFTs and Art

Some Thoughts on NFTs and Art I would like to make a few comments based on articles and television productions. ABC Broadcast: NFT – Enter the MetaverseBeeple: Creator of Everyday’s “…make people much more connected, a part of the art.” That was my goal from the beginning. I want people to interact with my work […]
October Update
October Update I have completed the design of Trithemian Web One. As I explained on the opening page, that is not the title of the piece. Now I have to make a decision on the print medium. I have ordered a 20″ x 20″ LUMACHROME. This is supposed to be the ultimate print on Lucite. […]
T1 Update
T1 Update – 07/29/2021 I am still working on enciphering the Trithemian One containers. After that is complete I will have one of those containers printed. Since this is very contemporary work I’m leaning toward a print on Lucite or metal. I may have to do several tests. I will then check on framing options […]
From the Designer
From the Designer Greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina. Its been many years since I began working with linear graphic ciphers. I hope you have read the My Story. If you enjoy puzzles of any sort, I challenge you to a practice session. I launched this website in August 2021 to introduce my ciphers. I will […]