
My substitution ciphers are designed to be solved by anyone, but the initial learning curve is a little steep. Patience along with your desire to solve one of my cryptograms is paramount. I published these educational materials as PDF files. I use that format because there are instances where you will need to print a page to view the examples.

I included these PDF files here so you can understand the solving procedures. If you purchase one of my cryptograms, a thumb drive containing the original digital files and all the PDF’s will be sent to you.

IMPORTANT – Trithemian Web™ Owners: Make sure you thoroughly read and understand all the instructions before you try to decipher your Trithemian Web™ Cryptogram or you will, more than likely, be unsuccessful. I recommend you read the Procedures page as well for deciphering hints.

Consider not sharing your digital file with anyone if you want to maintain the exclusivity of your Trithemian Web™ Cryptogram – its title, body composition and halftones – if included. It’s totally up to you.

Sighting the Letters

Stereogram Viewing


Printing Individual Containers

Color Masking – Solid Color Containers & the Spider

Photography Method

Blank Ciphertext Sheets

Sample Graphics

The links below are to blank ciphertext sheets that can be filled in electronically.

Blank Ciphertext Sheet
Last Container Blank Ciphertext Sheet