Hidden Elements
Interaction With My Work Is Creatively Revealing
The Evolution of the Cryptogram as Applied, Conceptual Art
My primary focus has always been on linear graphics – second panel from the left on these samples – that I’ve been developing for over fifty years. These are used to reveal a substitution cipher. If you haven’t already, I suggest you read My Story – a fifty year history of my linear graphics development. Each cryptogram I produce will incorporate, in one way or another, linear graphics. They are my trademark. Other hidden images are used to add context to the decoded cipher.
Trithemian Web™ Conceptual Example

The example conceptual piece above incorporates mostly hidden (the red linear graphics container) or fully hidden images (white and blue containers). The red spider contains the keyword needed to decipher the cryptogram. Trithemian Web™ cryptograms are all single-layer raster files. Revealing the hidden secrets is accomplished by employing RGB identification and selection.

This is the result obtained after performing the specific documented procedures on the digital image (conceptual example). The keyword is revealed. The linear graphics container can now be printed and decoded, and halftones come to life along with interrelated plain text. Note: The example linear graphics container is not encrypted.
Each cryptogram comes with a reveal file that guides a Trithemian Web™ owner through each step. Obviously, there is a learning curve. This conceptual art form (I coined it Linear Transmutation) advances participant interaction to an entirely new level. One’s ultimate goal is to discover the composition’s title and related hidden elements.
Learn by doing. All is revealed on my How To and Samples pages.