Trithemian Web™ 2

Trithemian Web™ 2


Click Image for Enlargement

Composition: Designer Cryptogram. (text written in code)

Digital File Size: 5,400 x 5,400 px – 11.4 MB PNG (24” x 24”)

Number of Containers: 7

Letters, Numbers, Punctuation: 570 Characters

Keyword: Blended into the red spider.

Halftone: Blended into the black rectangular container – bottom center.

Objective: Reveal the secrets of the Trithemian Web™ Cryptogram. Convert ciphertext to plaintext to discover my thoughts on a particular subject, the blended image and the title of the piece. Full revelation can only be accomplished by using the original digital file.

Note: Trithemian Web™ 2 is not the title. It’s just an identifying designation, as are the others in the Trithemian genre.

Single Edition